Dokumente, die während meines Auslandssemesters an der James Cook Universität in Townsville (Australien) entstanden sind.
Electronics 3 (EE4306)
- Course outline
- Assignment 1 - VHDL Reaction Timer
- Assignment 2 - Diplexer Design
- Experiment - Asynchronous Sequential Logic and VHDL
Controll Systems Design (EE4600)
- Assigment 1
- Practical 2 - State Space Controller Design
- Practical 3 - State Space Output Closed-Loop Feedback Controll
Advanced Biomechanics (SP3005/PH3025)
- Lectures
- Laboratory 1 - Muscoloskeletal Machines
- Laboratory 2 - Determination of the Bodys’s Centre of Gravity and the weight of Distal Segments
- Laboratory 3 - Rotational Motion: Moment of Inertial and Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Laboratory 4 - Quantitative knemeatic analysis of Human movement
- Laboratory 5 - Segement Contribution to Performance